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The demographic profile consists of six variables which are gender, age, ethnicity and profession. 

There are a total of eight factors for the independent variables which are visual identity, brand equity, collaboration, corporate social responsibility (CSR), customer experience, social media presence, brand personality, and brand value. Social media presence comes out on top with a score of 0.945, followed by brand personality with a score of 0.939. Following that, collaboration receives a 0.936, customer experience receives a 0.930, brand equity receives a 0.928, brand value receives a 0.923, and visual identity receives a 0.916. Corporate social responsibility (CSR) has the lowest Cronbach alpha of 0.888. In general, the dependability of all independent variables is high. As a result, the reliability of the independent variable can be assumed to be consistent. On the other hand, the dependent variable which is consumer buying behaviour which consists of five items has a very good reliability with a Cronbach Alpha of 0.949.

The correlation coefficient between consumer buying behaviour (CBB) and visual identity (VI) is 0.660 which indicates that relationship between these two variables is moderately corelated. Meanwhile, the relationship between the consumer buying behaviour (CBB) and the other independent variables which are brand equity (BE), collaboration (C), corporate social responsibility (CSR), customer experience (CE), social media presence (SMP), brand personality (BP), and brand value (BV) are highly correlated. The table also shows that Sig. (2-tailed) in each variable is .000, which means that the variable is significantly related because the number is less than .05.

For the model summary of the regression test, the R-value represents the simple correlation at 0.888 and this shows a high degree of correlation. The R Square of 0.789 indicates that all the independent variables (visual identity, brand equity, collaboration, corporate social responsibility, customer experience, social media presence, brand personality, and brand value) have a 75.4% influence on the dependent variable (consumer buying behaviour). The addition of 0.785 units of all independent variables to the model is penalised by an adjusted R square.


For ANOVA, the researcher computed the p-value for the F-test to determine the level of significance of total independent variables. According to the data, the p-value is 0.000, which is less than the significance level of the alpha value of 0.05. It indicates that all of the model's independent variables show a significant amount of dependency. As a result, all independent variable coefficients are statistically significant.

The researcher also conducted a mean comparison of all attributes of each independent variable to determine the customer's preference for each variable. The highest mean for visual identity is the material used (4.68), followed by the brand image in brand equity (4.64), brand awareness in collaboration (4.66), philanthropic responsibility in Social Corporate Responsibility (4.70), product experience in customer experience (4.80), brand recognition in social media presence (4.6), brand message in brand personality (4.62), and brand benefits in brand value (4.71). To sum up, these attributes provide a good indicator for SMEs to create a creative branding strategy.

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